Provides the highest quality product for you is our mission, The occupational ethics are our highest guiding ideology. Rested on ISO9000, GMP, the HACCP management theory, We established Quality Assure Department(QA)?as the quality control center. QA control product manufacture entire process. We knew the high grade product is makes by the high quality person. Based on national laws and occupational ethics
The raise the team that adaption enterprise develops is a goal which we pursues. Take QA as the quality control center involves to?product manufacture entire process. From: Quality planning, Supplier appraisal, Raw material supply, Material examination, Stores and provides, Product manufacture, Intermediate control, Environment control, Product examination, Method, instrument and equipment confirmation, Stable inspection, Product appraisal, Quality feedback. We guarantee the product best quality goal by the rigorous quality control standard and the good?manufacture technology.